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Today we want to give you some answers to the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles and the most frequently asked questions we often receive. We hope that, in the following paragraphs, you will find out everything you need to know about this type of project.

Questions and answers on the installation of charging stations


Are they a good investment?

Without a doubt, the investment you can make in one or several charging stations for electric vehicles is very interesting in the medium and long term. Not only you will be anticipating a future that will be dominated by electric vehicles, but your business will see some benefits such as an increase in visitors or energy savings if you have a fleet of vehicles. You will also be betting on an ecological system that helps to preserve the environment.

Are there any grants or subsidies?

The renewal of the Spanish car fleet is becoming increasingly advanced, and different organisations are offering grants both for the purchase of vehicles and for the installation of charging stations.

The main fund you should know about is the MOVES III Plan, launched by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which has reached the figure of 1,200 million euros in 2023. But you can also find out about other options through the different autonomous communities.

In which establishments is it advisable to install a charging station?

There are many places where a charging station for electric vehicles can be installed, offering customers and visitors a charging option.

Public and private car parks are the most common, but charging stations can also be found in the car parks of transport fleets, in busy shopping centres and in other establishments such as hotels, restaurants and gyms. Of course, it is also important to have charging stations that allow travellers to move between cities with the guarantee of being able to charge their vehicle for long journeys.

Which charging stations are recommended in car parks and shopping centres?

The charging station model we recommend for car parks and shopping centres, places where visitors spend a lot of time, is the Powerfloox.

This is a 30 kW DC fast-charging system that works with CCS2 and CHAdeMO connectors, allowing your customers to recharge their vehicle’s battery during the time they spend in the shop. In approximately one and a half hours, the battery of a normal vehicle would reach 80% of its capacity.


Which charging solutions are suitable for transport fleets?

In this case we will talk about the Superfloox, a perfect model for car dealerships, car parks of own delivery fleets and PoR operators.

It has the capacity to charge up to three vehicles simultaneously, two through its 60 kW DC power and an optional third hose of 22 kW AC power. We halve the charging time to 80% compared to the previous model, and in just 45 minutes we can be ready to go to work.

What features should a charging station at a electric station have?

For the electric charging stations, places where visitors want to recharge their electric vehicles as quickly as possible, we offer the Ultrafloox model, which is capable of operating two vehicles at the same time and can operate with 90, 120, 150 or 180 kW of direct current.

This versatile and intelligent system allows a vehicle to reach 80% of its battery capacity in just 15 minutes.

How does an electric vehicle charging station work?

Depending on the model that is installed, the power and time varies the actual operation, but this does not change the operation of a charging station too much.

It is as simple as connecting the charging station to the vehicle and selecting the necessary parameters for charging. Through different systems or applications, we can choose the time in which our vehicle will be charging or the battery percentage we want to reach.

Why install a fast charging station?

Installing one or more fast charging stations can be of great benefit to your establishment, as there are several reasons why it can grow:

  1. It boosts the number of visitors.
  2. Improve customer loyalty.
  3. It positions you through your sustainable spirit.
  4. Cost savings and optimisation of energy use when it comes to your own electric transport fleet.
  5. Obtaining data for strategic decisions: peaks in traffic, duration of traffic, etc.

What permissions do I need to install a charging station?

As with any work of this calibre, it is compulsory to have the construction licence, building permits and other documentation required by your local council. The associated installers will take care of all the necessary paperwork.

How much space will the installation take up?

The area where we are going to install the charging stations needs a specific space depending on the model chosen for users to use the infrastructure.

On the one hand, it is important to know the number of vehicles for which we want to offer this service, and on the other hand, we also need to know what charging speed we want to offer: maximum power charging stations are floor-standing cabinets that require two square metres.

Why buy an electric vehicle charging station with Floox?


The installation of a charging station has to be carried out by the best professionals, who have specific training in this sector. If you are an installer and you are interested in updating your knowledge of charging stations, we make it easy for you:

  1. Technical training for installation and maintenance (L1 and L2) for distributors and installers.
  2. Spare parts service for the ongoing maintenance of the installations.
  3. Professional and specialised technical service.
  4. Consultancy with customised plans adapted to each client.

Here we wanted to answer the doubts about the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles and the most frequently asked questions by those who start a project of this kind. We hope that these answers have made it clearer for you how to install a charging zone for your business.

CTA Floox