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Electric cars are already a reality, and many users are looking for fast charging points beyond their own homes. Today we want to tell you about the benefits of fast charging electric chargers, the ones we use at Floox to give you and your customers the best performance. First of all, we will explain the main difference between our charging stations and other chargers, since we offer fast charging of half an hour or even less. But, in addition, we will detail some of the extra benefits of our fast chargers that can even make your business grow.

What is a fast-charging electric charger?

A charger for electric vehicles is a device that channels energy from the electrical grid to the vehicle’s own battery. There are different models, both in their structure and in their operation, and it is important to differentiate between direct current and alternating current chargers.

Floox charging points that allow semi-fast, fast or ultra-fast charging deliver power directly to the vehicle’s battery thanks to direct current. This avoids the bottleneck of the charger installed on the vehicle itself, an unavoidable agent in AC charging points, which considerably reduces the power and speed of charging.

Key benefits of fast charging chargers for electric vehicles

Reduction of waiting times

One of the main advantages of purchasing a Floox charger is that, from the simplest models available, it offers very low charging times:

  • Powerfloox: It takes one and a half hours to complete 80% of a battery’s capacity.
  • Superfloox: We will reach 80% of the battery capacity in about 45 minutes.
  • Ultrafloox: With 180 kW systems, the waiting time to achieve an 80% charge does not exceed fifteen minutes.

With these charging times, you can imagine how easy it is for customers and visitors to come to your store and plug in their vehicle while shopping or doing other activities.


Maximum power ensured for each vehicle

Floox charging points range from 30 kW to 180 kW DC. This allows, as we noted earlier, the main benefit of DC charging is that the energy is delivered directly to the vehicle’s battery without having to pass through any power-minimizing gateways.

Chargers that supply power directly in direct current achieve shorter charging times and better performance. It thus becomes a distinctive feature that offers added value to your facility, since most chargers we can find are AC chargers.

Simultaneous charging also allows up to three different cars to be charged, depending on the charger model.

Businesses seeing improved performance

Acquiring one or more fast charging points can greatly help your facility for several reasons.

  1. It boosts the number of visitors.
  2. Improve customer loyalty.
  3. It positions you through your sustainable spirit.
  4. Data collection for strategic decisions.

Keep in mind that there are many places that can benefit from these chargers, thanks to the fact that fast charging does not require long waiting hours. From public and private parking lots or loading and unloading areas for transport fleets, to different places such as shopping malls, hotels, gyms or petrol stations, to name a few examples.

Safety and security throughout the circuit.

The charging stations that we offer at Floox have different security and recognition measures to avoid any type of problem.

A specific charger like the ones we use protects both the electrical network and the vehicle’s circuits, thus giving you maximum guarantees to reduce incidents and improve overall safety.

Access to our training and maintenance services

The last benefit we want to highlight is that, when you start working with us, you will have much more than a recharging station. Our team will provide you with all the necessary information and training for the maintenance of the installation (L1 and L2), as well as offering you a quality and specialized technical service. You can also count on our spare parts service to improve the continuous maintenance of the charger and the whole area. This way, you will always have us at your side when you need help and assistance.

Acquire your own charging station with Floox

With Floox you will have the best team accompanying you when you need to get one or more electric chargers where you prefer. We work with the most advanced technologies, so that you can offer your customers and visitors the maximum performance along with all the benefits we have detailed above.

Some of the most interesting features of our fast charging electric chargers are:

  • Functional designs: Performance is not at odds with aesthetics, and our loading stations are built with both in mind.
  • Simultaneous charging: All Floox chargers offer the possibility of charging at least two vehicles at the same time of more than 60kW” (since the 30kW charger is only 1 charge at a time).
  • All types of vehicles: No matter what type of vehicle you want to load, the possibilities with our structures are maximum.

All this, in addition, is accompanied by our monitoring at all times. You can request technical training for installation and maintenance, spare parts or personalized consulting in which we adapt a specific plan for each client.

As you can see, there are many benefits of electric chargers both for users and for the companies that install them in their premises. Contact us to resolve any questions, and we will help you develop the best possible project to suit your establishment. Find out more about our charging points.


CTA Floox