DLM(Dynamic Load Management) refers to a function that is essential to the charging infrastructure driving the adoption of electric mobility worldwide. In this article we explore the technical aspects of this technology and its role in optimizing electric vehicle charging.
Dynamic Power Management
Dynamic power management in DC charging station involves adjusting the power supplied to the electric vehicle based on several variables, such as battery capacity, temperature, charging demand and grid constraints. These adjustments are made in real time to optimize loading and ensure an efficient experience.
Active Power Control
An essential component of dynamic power management is active power control. This system constantly monitors the charging conditions while the charger adjusts the power supplied to each EV according to the power available at the outlet and the power requested by the vehicle. This allows optimizing the charging time without damaging the battery.
Vehicle-Charger Communication
The interaction between the electric vehicle and the DC charger is a key element of dynamic power management. EVs are equipped with advanced communication systems that allow “negotiation” of charging power. This means that the EV can inform the charger about its current status and charging preferences, which makes it easier to adapt the delivered power optimally.
Main features of Dynamic Load Management
In the context of dynamic power management in DC chargers for electric vehicles, it is important to highlight the ability to prioritize and evenly distribute power This is achieved through of the so-called DLM (Dynamic Load ManagementThe new system provides customers with the flexibility to adjust the power distribution according to their needs and preferences.
On the one hand, the DLM allows power to be distributed evenly among the available EV chargers. In this mode, all electric vehicles will charge at the same speed, using charging resources fairly and efficiently.
The shipper is established as a “Master” for the purpose of supervising the fleet of shippers called “Slaves” in accordance with the Dynamic Load Management (DLM) System guidelines. In this instance, it is important to note that this configuration does not depend on Internet connectivity for its correct operation.
The DLM offers an additional functionality, which is the efficient management of the total power in an installation with multiple electrical chargers, ensuring that a predetermined limit is never exceeded.
For example, suppose we have a facility with 10 electric chargers of 60 kW each, but the maximum contracted electrical capacity is only 300 kW. In this situation, the DLM comes into action to ensure that the sum of the power of the 10 chargers never exceeds this set limit, which helps maintain efficient power usage and avoids costly overruns in electrical demand.
These options provided by the DLM give customers the opportunity to optimize their loading strategies according to their business needs and priorities, thus contributing to a more personalized loading experience.
Dynamic power management in DC chargers for electric vehicles plays a crucial role in building a more sustainable charging infrastructure. As the electric vehicle industry continues to evolve, dynamic power management will be an essential element in the process and management of rapid charging of electric vehicles.
Floox chargers include DLM Floox chargers include DLM
In the case of Floox solutions, all three models have an integrated DLM function so that the load manager can optimize the energy and power supplied from the grid to the chargers and, consequently, to recharge the batteries.
With a perfect combination of power, efficiency and charging speed, Floox electric chargers are positioned as one of the best fast charging solutions on the market.
Powerfloox model is ideal for businesses where customers stay for an hour or more, such as restaurants or shopping malls. With a charging power of 30 kW and CHAdeMO and CCS2 connectors, this charger ensures fast and reliable charging for electric vehicles.
The Superfloox model is perfect for service stations, dealerships or transport fleets that need higher capacity and the possibility of simultaneous loading of several vehicles.
With a charging capacity of 60 kW, this charger can charge up to two cars at the same time. It features two high-capacity DC connectors and an optional third AC connector up to 22 kW. This versatility ensures that electric vehicle drivers can charge their cars even in high-demand locations.
Ultrafloox model is Floox’s most advanced option, specially designed for those sites that require the highest possible loading speed. With power options ranging from 90 kW to 180 kW DC, this charger allows simultaneous charging of two vehicles.
It is ideal for roads, service areas, transport fleets and charging point operators who need minimum charging time. Electric vehicles can reach up to 80% of their full battery capacity in as little as 15 minutes.
We hope this explanation of dynamic power management, an essential feature for businesses that want to customize the charging experience of their electric vehicle fleets, has been helpful.