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The growing popularity of efficient vehicles has increased the demand for fast charging solutions for electric vehicles. This technology is key for drivers, allowing batteries to be charged in record time. This article will explore the most important aspects of fast charging, including how it works, its benefits and the options available on the market.

What is fast charging of electric vehicles?


Fast charging of electric vehicles is a technology that allows the car battery to be charged in a much shorter period of time, compared to conventional AC charger charging. This technology is used to reduce charging time and increase the convenience of electric vehicle users in terms of mobility and waiting times.

This fast charging system works by transferring electrical energy from a power supply to the vehicle’s battery. The process is carried out via a special connector, which may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the electric vehicle. The connector establishes a power transfer from the fast charging station to the vehicle battery.


How do fast-chargers work?


Electric vehicle charging can be direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). The main difference between the two is the type of electrical current used to charge the battery.

Differences between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) charging

Direct current (DC) fast charging uses a direct electrical current to charge the vehicle’s battery. This type of charging is much faster than AC charging, as the conversion from AC to DC is done in the charger and not in the car, allowing for much higher power ratings.

Alternating current (AC) fast charging, on the other hand, uses an electric current that varies its direction and magnitude periodically. In this case the conversion to DC is done in an On Board Charger (OBC) inside the vehicle, which allows for lower power ratings due to the limited weight and space in the vehicle. This process is slower than DC charging, but is commonly used for home charging and public charging stations, because the contracted powers are usually low.


Advantages and benefits of Floox Fast Charging Chargers


Shorter charging time with the future in mind


Installing a fast charger offers the advantage of very low charging times, even for the simplest models. This makes it easy for customers and visitors to plug in their vehicles while shopping or doing other activities in a shop.

See fast charging chargers


Achieve maximum power at every charging point


Floox chargers offer a wide range of charging powers, from 30 kW to 180 kW using direct current, ensuring that power flows directly to the vehicle’s battery. Direct DC charging allows for faster and more efficient charging, a unique feature that adds value to your business, as most chargers available today are AC chargers.



Multiple benefits to companies


The installation of one or more fast charging points can bring multiple advantages to your establishment, such as:

  1. Increase the number of visitors.
  2. Build loyalty among your existing customers.
  3. Positioning as a business committed to sustainability.
  4. Cost savings and more efficient energy management for large fleets.
  5. Obtaining valuable data for strategic decision-making.

It is important to note that fast chargers are beneficial for various types of establishments, such as public and private car parks, loading and unloading areas for transport fleets, shopping centres, hotels, restaurants, workshops and gyms, among others.


Get your fast-charging electric car chargers from Floox




Floox’s start-up system is an excellent choice for many companies.s. It has a fast charging system, which reaches an output of 30 kW with direct current, and works with CHAdeMO and CCS2 connectors.

It is small in size and requires low maintenance. It can provide fast charging for drivers without significant maintenance costs for the facilities.

That’s why we recommend PowerFloox for companies where customers can spend around an hour or an hour and a half. For example, restaurants, gyms, car parks or shopping centres are ideal locations, as are workshops or car parks for commercial fleets.




SuperFloox model can charge up to three cars simultaneously, two with 60 kW of direct current and a third via an optional hose with up to 22 kW of alternating current.

With these features, it can be a very interesting option to offer a differentiating solution to some businesses such as charging stations, dealers or transport fleets and PoR operators, as it offers a fast charging system with high capacity.




We have the most advanced model on the market: UltraFloox. This model allows the simultaneous charging of two vehicles and can be adapted to power ratings of 90, 120, 150 or 180 kW direct current. The performance of UltraFloox is not only ideal for today’s vehicles, but also for those of the future.

Due to its high capacity and power, UltraFloox is also an excellent choice for petrol stations, dealers, transport fleets and PoR operators. Vehicles requiring ultra-fast charging can reach 80% of their full battery capacity in just 15 minutes using this model.

In conclusion, fast charging for electric cars is a key technology in the future of electric mobility. With an increasingly wide range of ultra-fast charging options available, electric car owners can enjoy a faster charging experience than ever before. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more advances in this sector over the coming years.

If you need a fast charging electric vehicle charger, don’t hesitate to contact Floox.



CTA Floox