Identifying data
This website is owned by Floox by Premium PSU with registered office Carrer Dolors Aleu 19-22, 2nd floor of Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
You can contact us through the email account
This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the Website
Any person accessing the aforementioned website, or using any of the functions (hereinafter Services) or content that it offers, will be considered a USER. By browsing this Website, you (hereinafter, the User) are deemed to accept these terms of use and legal notice, agreeing to comply with them.
Floox reserves the right to enact any modifications, suspensions, cancellations or restrictions in connection with the Website that it considers opportune, with no obligation to give notice in advance, and shall be entitled to change the design, presentation or configuration of the Website as well as its contents and offered services, including the content of the Legal Notice and other conditions of use.
The purpose of this Legal Notice is to describe the legal conditions applicable to any access or use by the User involving the information contained in the Website, as well as to comply with the obligations established in Law 34/2002 regarding Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE).
The User is hereby informed, and shall be deemed to accept, that accessing the Website does not in itself mean the beginning of a relationship with Floox, commercial or otherwise. To contract services or products offered on the Website (including free services and promotions) you must use the channels provided for this purpose, which may require the acceptance of new legal, purchase or privacy conditions.